Sunday, August 12, 2007

Footfalls, fair winds, echoes, blue mountains….
and within the reach of the personal heaven,
a few packets of wisdom scattered here and there.

Wisdom is a very somber expression…
heavy word bending under
the weight of years of loneliness, gush of joy intertwined with a mass of silence…

Wisdom floated in and out of my perception of years
and years to follow…
wisdom ran me dry….
licked the last drop of consciousness that I had

and before I fell I could here the throbbing of uncertainty in my veins…

and I knew

wisdom would one day,

some day

take my leave,

without my knowledge beneath my crust of consciousness.


And of course it would come again another day, another time from life beyond what I could see and hear…from life beyond what I could feel in the breath of my breath…and it would linger for a while and glide away into another world….

where it was I never knew…

And we shared this love hate relationship always….the mirror held us, captivated us together, growing apart from each other, caressing distance, making love, this time to time…

Together we bonded like pieta, holding each other, bleeding, weeping, flesh and tears, blood and sweat and departure…that is how it always happened…

we knew it would be the same.. enacted in the same Shakespearian manner over and over again until the curtain fell….

and I picked up another shred of wisdom from where you left…


Darkness dripping from my eyes, lonesome walking an extra mile,

and my death again…

who would carry my corpse dear friend across an extra light year?

Will you, stranger?


Don’t wash away the stains of blood;

don’t wipe your brow with droplets of sweat

dripping down and touching my feet…

.....your last tribute? ....

I wonder…

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