the drama turns into petty commonplace reality as the winged creatures take off for something less tangible than the real world.
who knows?fate clicks dramatically well when photographic memories don't!
ah, such a pity!
Monday, July 30, 2007
Monday, July 16, 2007
Amidst endless seas
Beneath the blue dome
Within the bounds
Of careless freedom.
Here I am washed
By your absent dreams
Which held promises
Long ago; not here,
Not now.
Here I hold sway over
My estate on rubbles
Of million dispersed 'I's
My fragmented self
scattered like quanta.
Here the leaves gather
and salute aged Nature
Around my dusty feet
Finding comfort and peace
In autumnal austere strength.
Here I pick up rags
Of silhouettes and shadows
And string them with dusk
And evening skies
Of nomadic freedom
Here we separate, branch out
And then bond like one
Amidst green foliages
Of shady cypress and
Tall Eucalyptus trees.
Here we isolate and mourn
The death of rootlessness
And slowly, unwatched
Away from scrutiny and eyes
The gypsy heart grows.
5:01 AM
logos poem
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Written in delhi in some bitter cold december evening. A scrap of paper folded neatly and tucked inside a diary. Scribbled names and nothings and limericks at the back. Every drop of ink carried memories of the cold night with the cold wind.
Tamarind sunsets and multilayered evenings and streetwalks and cardigans and fog. Misty taste of frost and shadows and figures strutting along the streets. The verandah was cold and switching over in contrast my cold fingers held the hot mug of capuccino. Beyond the veiled glass, inside the womb of the room, I could see pooja drying her hair. Hot water..mmmm…I draw in the scent of the warmth of a hot bath. Then I opened my eyes to find her hurrying me to finish off my cup of brewing comfort and join her in the symposium preparation for tomorrow. I gulped down fifteen minutes of leisure and siphoned in 84 mm long smoke generator. Sigh!
One day I shall be that mist, that frosty cold, that december evening.
I shall make you numb.:)
6:46 PM
1 watchtowers
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
How many streams must I cross
Before you learn to swim across
El Nino of turbulent times
How many roads must be walked
How many of them should intersect
And lie love locked till you hear them
Calling you from the depths of my eyes?
How many flowers should be born
‘to blush unseen’ and how many of them
should garland you when your sensitivity dies?
How many times should I rock your cradle
So that you sleep peacefully amongst rubbles
Of creepy lonesome nights?
How many rain clouds shall it take
To bring in monsoon for you?
How many times will the church bells chime
Before they cry ‘hallelujah’ and kiss
Your footprints compassing the new journey
That you embarked now.
How many love songs shall it take
To wake you up?
How many lullabies to hush you to sleep?
How many deaths shall I die
To live your life again?
11:08 PM
Sunyo nodeer teere rohinu pori---
Jaha chhilo niye gelo shonaar toree."
5:24 AM
logos shonaar toree
the nightscape erodes
as minutes tiptoe in hourly silence.
time begets time.
the rugged pile of consciousness
is at its brightest and wakeful best
at the phantom hours.
this is not my world.
this is not my reality.
this is far far away
beyond silent waters of blue seas
and dusky evening sky
away from sweetness of love's symphony,
miles away from agony,
away from angst, pain, hopelessness.
this is where i am elevated.
feel not heart, fear not mind;
think not, see not, hear not, speak not.
this is where everything stops.
your wheel ceases rotating
my cliched existence
amongst piles of mundane everyday.
here you are not my lord.
you cease to be my fate.
i, finally, take up the reigns,
i am your destiny henceforth.
i know i have realized this before
i have spoken this ten thousand times.
uttered them in solitary pristine glory,
alone, many times.
in childlike wonder, in blind resentment to you!
this is also unique like the ones before.
4:05 AM
logos poem
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Tell me now stranger, if I serve myself
In delicious ambiguity on your platter
Would you taste me bit by bit?
Would you gulp down my consciousness
Of eternity in seconds to come
Ticked in time by magenta sunsets?
Tell me now, tell me a little of your forefathers
And how you metamorphosed into the strangeness
That I see today, that I see now.
Tell me how you lived and how you laughed
And how you loved--
Tell me all of them scratch by scratch
While I measure myself.
Tell me tales of the seagulls
And how they flew overhead
When you embarked on your journey
Of ten thousand miles across light years
And seven seas’ ugly lonesome nights.
Tell me about the northern lights and the winds
That blew my slumber away in dreams to come.
Tell me now, for I long to hear them
From your lips, from your eyes.
Your voice creeps into my ruggedness
And wakes me up; stirs me down
Like a cup of freshly brewed coffee
That is how you taught me to measure myself.
And I measured this stark consciousness
Dressed in satin and silk from the
Elegant as the regal attire, delicate as the dew drop tiara
And I measured myself and grasped the meaning
Of the wondrous look in your eyes
That I am priceless!
8:33 PM
logos poem